Monday, November 3, 2008

Hockey Mom for President of the United States of America?

Ok so here is what woke me up this morning. Sarah Palin says she is ready to become the President of the United States of America because:

1 She was a mayor of a town in Alaska. She is a hockey mom.
2 She was governor of Alaska for 2 years and has an approval rating that is through the roof!
4 She is pro life
5 She's ..... I'm out

So what woke me up is that I live inTexas, home of Friday night lights. For those who don't know, this is like minor league professional football- much the same as hockey in Alaska. But with some slight differences. For instance, on any given Friday night when my local public 5a school is playing in its state of the art Football stadium-complete with a sweet jumbo tron- there are more people on the Home side of the field than in the town Palin was the mayor of. So does that make the PTA President of my local high school team more qualified to be the next President of the United States? Probably - or even more qualified since the PTA pres. has to deal with the visitor side in addition to the football parents, band parents and don't ever forget --the cheerleader parents!

So then about that approval rating.... lets see. She gave all the population of Alaska $1200 dollars for a share of the wealth plan that took money from the rich oil companys and distributed it to all of the population of Alaska, whether they work or not...? Now I got a check from Chesapeake gas that was negotiated by some of my neighbors that got a couple of companies to compete for the business and on my small lot I received a check for $3000+!!! So should I vote for my neighbor! Because his approval rating is through the roof with me!

She is pro life. So am I! So was George Bush, Dick Cheney, George H Bush, Ronald Reagan and a ton of their supporters, judges, senators, representatives.... For how long? And we still have legal abortions. Is she somehow going to be able to get this reversed? Based on the past I'd say no. Why? Because the pro abortion lobbyist are better at playing the legislative game than us! And there is obviously so much money in this that they can afford to pay for their cause! We need to turn the page on this arguement and approach this problem anew!

So that is what scared me awake! For the 4 of you that read this I hope it makes you think!

Don't boo, just vote!!!!!

1 comment:

Gateway Pundit said...

I guess Obama's community organizing with ACORN trumps Governor Palin's record, then?