Saturday, March 1, 2008

Filling in the blanks.....

They found ricin in the possession of a nut in Vegas. But where did he get it? That is the blank. Help me fill that in. Ap has the general info. One man is sick in the Hospital we'll call him Mr. Ricin after staying in the Extended Stay in(what you do in Vegas stays in Vegas...but really staying at the extended stay?) but his buddy was at a different hotel the Excaliber.

Facts about ricin.

Blanks to fill in:
Why were they in Vegas?
Why were they staying at different Hotels?
If there wasn't any ricin in the room at the Extended Stay when the Police searched the room 2 days ago, where did he get it and where did he keep it?
Who did he get it from?
What was he going to do with it?

I will edit this post as reliable info comes in. Stay tuned!

Today 3-2-08 we get more good info about the why from the Las Vegas Sun.

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